Call for abstracts NordPIANC meeting 21. – 23.9. 2015 in Finland
Dear friends,
We have decided to prolong the call for abstracts.
We have already received interesting abstracts, but we are still waiting for some more. So we ask you kindly to send your abstracts to Finnish national secretary Mr. Tero Sikiö, before 31.5.2015. All presentations will be given 20-25 minutes of time. For each presentation we ask you to give the name of the author, the title of the presentation and a short description of the content of the presentation. You may use the form given in the attached file. Attached you will also find preliminary program of our meeting. We will have two or three technical sessions depending on the amount of abstracts we will get. We will encourage you to rise up many interesting topics and to help us to create a many-sided and attractive program. We will send the final program and registration information in June. Looking forward to receive your contributions. Please circulate this message within your organization and other colleagues in your country.
Best regards,
Preliminary program
Call for abstact
Risto Lång
First Delegate PIANC Finland
Finnish Transport Agency
PL 33, 00521 Helsinki
tel. 029 534 3342
gsm. 040 829 3962